Review of A Little Drop of Courage by Hayley Kaye

 A Little Drop of Courage by Hayley Kaye is a mini-book with colored illustrations but with powerful advice and empowering messages. The book is meant to be, as the title suggests, a drop of courage, which is valuable, especially in hard times. It is mostly dwelling on healing, which most of us require, in one aspect of our lives or another. The book covers several topics like encouraging the readers to acknowledge their feelings without judgment, dealing compassionately with themselves, discovering the strength within, celebrating being human with no regrets, and keeping on going no matter the challenges as they are essential for life because eventually they will make us strong, not being too hard on ourselves, and lastly, as we are kind on others, to remember to be kind on ourselves too. These are only a portion of the topics the readers will find in this book.

The book is intended to make readers pause and reflect on life, let their feelings flow, and just appreciate being human. I appreciate the messages on page 45, "No matter how hard it gets, remember to..." and 51, "I will not compare my journey.". Reading this book opened my mind to learning to appreciate my feelings, while trying to know their source, as there is always one. Additionally, I like the simplicity of the book.

I rate this book, A Little Drop of Courage by Hayley Kaye, 4 out of 5 stars.

I recommend the book to those readers in need of healing from some kind of tremor in their lives. Moreover, I have realized that as one goes through the book, readers will find that some parts may not apply to their lives, but others appear to talk straightforwardly to them, meaning the book touches all of us, it is a significant resource that will enlighten its readers on life matters, to say the least, after all, we are all human.

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